External speakers

Martin Merlin

Director - Bank, insurance and financial crime, European Commission, DG FISMA

Expertise: Finance & Financial regulation

Two years after the launch of his career at the French Treasury, Martin Merlin joined the Commission, working on insurance and pension funds issues. He progressed to the position of Assistant to the Director General before joining the Cabinet of Commissioner Charlie McCreevy. In 2008, on his return to the Directorate General, he took charge of the unit "Financial Services Policy & Relations with the Council". This unit was responsible, inter alia, for defining and implementing the European Commission‘s policy in the area of financial supervision and the response to the global financial crisis.

Since 2014 Mr Merlin has been a Director within the DG. Firstly, responsible for Financial Markets, and since 2016, for Banks and Insurance, covering Regulation &Prudential Supervision of Financial Institutions, Insurance and Pensions, Resolution and Deposit Guarantees. In January 2020, he has also taken on Financial Crime issues. He holds Masters Degrees in Political Sciences and Philosophy.