External authors

Andreas Koch

Andreas Koch is a research fellowat the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IAW). His work focuses on the continuous structural changes at the interfaces of regions, firms, working environments and technological development. He has been engaged in exploiting and analysing new micro-level data (firms and individuals) in Germany and on the European level in applied projects and fromamethodological point of view. He is an assistant lecturer at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Tübingen and of New Economic Papers – Economic Geography (NEP-GEO).

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Mapping competitiveness with European data

This blueprint picks up some of the main issues of the MAPCOMPETE project and provides an inventory and an assessment of the data related to the measurement of competitiveness in Europe.

By: Davide Castellani and Andreas Koch Topic: Digital economy and innovation, Macroeconomic policy Date: March 6, 2015