External authors

Aleksandra Boutin

Vice President, Compass Lexecon's Brussels Office

Aleksandra Boutin is a Vice President at Compass Lexecon's Brussels Office. She has twelve years of experience in competition policy in economic consulting, European Commission and academia.

Aleksandra advises clients on a wide range of competition issues. She has recently been involved in cases regarding exclusivity rebates, information exchanges, state aid, as well as vertical and horizontal mergers. She also leads a series of seminars on the role of economics in competition law at the Polish Competition Authority, with the Association of Competition Law in Poland. In the two most recent workshops, she discussed methods for calculating damages and for assessing unilateral effects in mergers.

Aleksandra holds a particular interest in technology markets and in issues related to intellectual property. She is currently involved in a Compass Lexecon study on the economic impact of technology standards. In one of her PhD papers, she proposed a rule for screening patent pools (American Economic Journal of Microeconomics), which contributed to the Commission's IP Guidelines.

Before joining Compass Lexecon, Aleksandra spent several years at DG for Competition of the European Commission. She was involved in many high-profile antitrust and merger cases in a wide range of sectors (for example IT, commodities, food, postal services, transport and banking). She also co-drafted the 2010 EC’s Guidelines on Horizontal Agreements, in particular the new chapter on information exchanges.

Aleksandra holds a Master in Theoretical Economics and Econometrics from Toulouse School of Economics and a Master in European Law and Economic Analysis from the College of Europe. She is completing her PhD in Economics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. She is still active in research and teaches industrial organization at graduate level at ECARES (ULB). She is the author of many publications in the field of competition, and regularly presents at policy and academic conferences.